After the fire which destroyed the workshop at Mudlen End, full production was undertaken at Wattisfield Pottery with the cottages being fired in spare space in the top of their large industrial kilns. A search was made for a suitable alternative location and this lead to Mudlen End Studio moving to an industrial unit in Bury St. Edmunds in the Hardwick Industrial Area.

Full production was once again achieved from this premises during 1982 although securing a larger more suitable location was always in mind.
Around mid 1983 the workshop at Mudlen End was rebuilt and production once again took place there, meanwhile Thurston Granary in the village of Thurston near Bury St Edmunds was in the process of being converted into an Industrial Park and a unit became available which better suited the business requirements, this was secured and from that point onwards it became the home of bulk production for Mudlen End Studio Ltd.
In the early ‘Thurston’ years James Hart’s eldest son was predominantly at the helm of the company, leaving in 1988, whilst Mr Hart concentrated on other aspects of business, commissions, one off items and gardening !!